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You Are Cordially Invited To Get a 60/90/120/150 Minutes Sound Therapy + Aromatherapy Vacation  On My Massage Table


全身天然磨砂潔膚療程 只需 HK$50
中藥古方沐足熱水按摩療程 只需HK$50
人體七脈輪色彩療法 只需HK$50
天然熱石能量療程 只需HK$80
泰式草藥球古法按摩 只需HK$80
七輪水晶男仕倒模面膜療程 只需HK$100

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About Me

The Brief Introduction Of Myself

Sound Massage TherapyHK by Akiss Tan offers you the unique Singing Bowl plus Tuning Fork Sound Therapy, Men's Skin Reborn Facial Treatment with Crystal 7 Chakras Healing and  Aromatherapy Full Body Massage.  I'm a Certified Massage Therapist and Qualified Singing Bowl/Tuning Fork Sound Therapist. I was trained by Nepal Sound Healing Master Sunil Bista(SB Sound Healing) Private Class in Hong Kong and also at the Kathmandu Center of Healing, Nepal.  I'm also a Sound Therapy Trainer and my self-healing classes open for students  every week.  Sound Massage Therapy is able to heal myself, my students and my worldwide customers around the world. Moreover, I'm also a Freelance Website Designer

The Sound Massage Therapy works by sound and vibration. Our body consists of about 70% of water.  If our body comes in contract with a sound e.g. during a sound massage the vibrations spread out in concentric circles in the whole body like a drop falls in the water. These gentle vibrations can loosen and release tensions and blockages in the muscles joints and also in the entire body.

You Never Try
You Never Know

Sound & Vibration Can Be Used To Re-Tune Us Back To Health

The Art Of Healing Sound Massage Therapy HK By AK


"I Listen With My
Magic Hands & My Heart"

"When a sick man is "nourished" by the right kind of sounds, the cells in his body start to vibrate and re-organize themselves according to their divine blueprint."

- real Scientific facts from the International Academy of Sound Therapy on Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy.

Singing Bowl
Sound Massage Therapy

Tuning Fork
Sound Massage Therapy

Sound Massage Therapy combined with Aromatherapy Full Body Massage

Men's Skin Reborn Facial with Crystal 7 Chakras Healing Treatment

I'm Very Proud Of Myself To Show You My Worldwide Customer Reviews

Don't listen to me.....
Read what my customers say.........

Wonderful Experience
Ryan came from Hong Kong
"Special, sincere and personal touch. Great blend of various massage and therapy techniques giving you a sensational experience."
Sincere and Thoughtful Massage and Sound Therapy
Alan came from Hong Kong
“First visit and very impressed. A very kind thoughtful and sincere experience. A very knowledgeable and experienced gentleman. Great experience all round.“
Great Experience
James came from Hong Kong
"I recently had a massage with AK and I didn't really know much about the type of therapy he practices. He explained everything very well to me and it was interesting to learn a bit about it.  I had a body scrub, singing bowl and tuning fork massage and oil massage. It was an experience like no other I have had before. I felt completely clam and relaxed the entire time from the moment I walked into his place. I  left feeling very relaxed and positive.
Since then,  I have slept well each night which was something I had been having difficult with for some time before I went for AK. If you're looking for a unique and professional massage experience, this is the place to go!"
Great Massage Caring Therapist
Michael came from Australia
"Akis offers a massage experience that is different from the usual. A combination of Thai stretching, Sweden muscle and Chinese therapies combined with singing bowl therapy to help relax and sooth. Although a call-out service is available it's also really interesting to visit Akis rooms and experience the"real Hong Kong" This is a sincere therapy by a well-trained massage professional. I highly recommend Akis for an experience that helps relax and restore well-being."
AK Is Very Skilled Professional & Really Knows His Craft
Alex Hugh cam from UK
"AK  respond quickly to y text and was able to come to my hotel at very short notice. I opted for 2 hour aromatherapy full body oil, body scrub and body lotion massage as well as trying his tuning fork therapy. AK communicated easily and arrived on time. The massage was truly wonderful and I felt regenerated, relaxed and refreshed at the end of the session. I highly recommend AK. He is very skilled professional and really knows his craft. You will not be disappointed."
AK Is Truly A Great Massage Therapist
Paul came from US
"Had a 90 minutes lovely massage from AK years ago in Hong Kong. I visited him again last week, he is very attentive and sensitive to my body needs. He recommended me to try the Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Massage plus Oil Massage. He explained what is Sound Massage and is really helped understand what was happening during the healing session. I felt great after the therapy. He is an excellent therapist. I highly recommend."

Extraordinary Massage
Glen came from US

"This was an truly extraordinary massage - one unlike any other I've ever had. The singing bowl/tuning fork was really relaxing and created a focus unlike I'd had before. The oil aromatherapy was a great accompaniment to the vibration/sound therapy. The was well worth it!"

Totally Worth It
Ton came from Thaliand
"Amazing massage plus sound therapy. AK is so gentle, calming and professional. The sound therapy is an unexpected and wonderful experience. I felt the vibration impacted my nervous system and I fell into sleep during the session, my emotional balance is very good now after the treatment. I enjoyed every minute with AK. His place is very clean and cozy although it is located in an Hong Kong Style old building. I highly recommend AK. Thank you AK for such unique experience!"
Li came from Hong Kong

"我實在喜歡AK師傅,非常專業,他完全知道自己在做甚麼,按摩手法別具一格,力道剛柔並重,我從來沒有聴過Sound Massage,我試了他的頌缽/音叉聲頻治療,令我煥然一新,負能量盡消,我背定會回來找AK

Ronald came from Hong Kong

"昨天剛試了AK的頌缽及音叉聲頻加按摩療程,超正 ]無怪世界各地遊客慕名而來,他很專業及按摩水準之高超乎你想像,很優秀專業按摩及聲頻治療師,自己來試試最好,我推薦他。"

Awesome Singing Bowl Sound Massage

Terry Miller came from Australia
"I have read one of Akiss's customer reviews saying that"Akiss should be a must-see attraction in the city", so I made up my mind to give him a try during my stay in Hong Kong. I have selected his Singing Bowl Vibration plus Aromatherapy. It was a great experience to me, and the Sound Therapy made me filled with new energy. He put 3 bowls around my body and it calmed my mind and my body pain has gone as well. Akiss is very professional, friendly guy and always gives you new energy. Highly recommend. Thank you, Akiss!"

Fantastic Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy

Felton Johnson came from US
"It was my second appointment. My first booking with Akiss was two years ago. As I knew that he books out very quickly, so I booked him before I arrived Hong Kong. This HK trip, I have tried his unique Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork Therapy combined with Full Body Aromatherapy. Akiss told me that this therapy is great for people who are particularly stressed or worried. His treatment took me to a level of relaxation and I felt positively blissful and fell asleep during the session. I would highly recommend Akiss, not only does he has a good reputation, he is very polite, professional with a wide depth on massage knowledge!"
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