Sound Therapy Massage Therapy
Workshop & ST Shop
Sound Massage Therapy + Aromatherapy takes place in the comfort of Akiss's place
In-Call Rates
30% Off Now
In-Call Add-On Therapy Rates
全身天然磨砂潔膚療程 只需HK$50
中藥古方沐足熱水按摩療程 只需HK$50
人體七脈輪色彩療法 只需HK$50
泰式草藥球古法按摩 只需HK$50
天然熱石能量療程 只需HK$80
七輪水晶男仕倒模面膜療程 只需HK$100
A Friendly Reminder About Tipping
It is customary to tip the massage therapist. You are not request to tip legally. Tipping is not compulsory, it depends how well you enjoyed the massage experience, but it can be considered e reflection of the quality of the massage by the Massage Therapist AK. Tipping is all up to you I always appreciated.
My Sound Massage Therapy Is Not A Luxury
It's A Necessity